Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The One We All Dream Of

The concept of the sublime is one that has been intriguing me lately. It is one of the main topics of discussion and focus in my world lit class. My professor and class have come to describe it as a joy or terror that is beyond words. Or God. This got my wheels turning. I always consider God to be this amazing, all forgiving powerhouse in the sky. The One who created me and who has plans for my future. The One who has given me everything I have, and will eventually take it all away. However, I do not usually think of God as a tyrant. How can beauty and terror be contained so harmoniously as one? ...Terror. But honestly, when you think about it, He has done some scary things. The plagues. The wars. The pillar of salt. The entire contents of the book of Revelation. All of that is pretty terrifying. 

... when it comes down to it, it all connects back to some lyrics for me. (If you've read this blog at all, you may think all things relate back to lyrics in my mind and... well... I can't argue with that.) 

"I think I made You to small. I never feared You at all."

I pray that over the next few days you reevaluate. I have so many friends who have so many fears. Spiders. Snakes. Heights. Death. Spend some time and think of all of your fears, then give them up. Hand them over to God and know that He is the only thing you should fear (a healthy fear, for He still is all of the beautiful and wonderful things as well). And while you're at it, check out this site. www.twitter.com/aintskeerd

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