Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Man In the Mirror

I’m at a cusp in life. As Mr. Allen would say, “things are happening.” A lot of things are changing in my life, and with that comes a lot of unknown.

With all of this unknown I’ve found solace in focusing on things I can control. One of the most exciting things about a new phase of life, in my opinion, is the opportunity to change the things about yourself that you’ve found unsatisfactory. When you move to a new place people don’t know you… they don’t know your habits or your fears or your social tendencies. If you were always shy you can be outgoing. If you were a gossip you can keep your tongue in check. If you feared confrontation you can be bold. You can change how you’re perceived.

I’ve always wondered how I portray myself to the world. As a Christian, I know what my life should look like. But do I always succeed in putting my best face forward? Can people look at me and see what I’m living for? Who I’m living for?

I was getting my hair cut last summer when I had an epiphany. I was sitting there, staring in the mirror (it’s either that or staring at the other customers which, I’ve discovered, can get you into trouble). I was looking in the mirror—at the floor in the mirror, at my hair in the mirror, at the art on the wall in the mirror—when I realized something: you can’t look at a mirror. You can look at things in a mirror but you can’t actually look at a mirror. If you try and recall a mirror you can think of the frame and when you think of the mirror itself you will undoubtedly imagine what is reflected in it’s surface: the bathroom wall, the bedroom behind it, your face in it. A mirror’s sole purpose is to reflect, and it is good at it.

Then I had this thought: what if every Christian sought to be a mirror. To be reflective of God and all that He is. What if you looked at me, Aimee Belcher, and couldn’t see me, but only God in me?

It’s a beautiful concept, one I’ve been thinking about for a while now. We are called to live a life acceptable to God: to be a picture of our maker. So imagine if we each started to live with the intention of being reflective. If our one goal was to emulate God as much as possible with our human flaws, enough to be a reflection of His mercy, His grace, His compassion and His love. Think of the difference it could make. Think of the beauty we could create. Think of the lives we could change. All of that by simply being reflective.
