Sunday, November 29, 2009

I Never Knew the Meaning of Christmas

I love Christmas. I love birthdays and I love Jesus so obvi I love Jesus' birthday. Also, I love Christmas music. Like... I really, really, really love Christmas music. My friend Mandy and I tend to listen to it starting in June, if not all year round. So, not surprisingly, I was jamming out to one of my personal favorite Christmas albums (*NSYNC Home for Christmas) when it hit me like a ton of bricks. Why are so many Christmas songs about love? God's love is one thing, but these songs are about human love. I know that love is in the air and all of that stuff but when did that become the focus of the season?

Here is a prime lyrical example: "I never knew the meaning of Christmas, 'til I looked into your eyes." Really? Really JC Chasez and Justin Timberlake? You never knew the meaning of Christmas until you looked into her eyes? Who was she, JESUS? I think not, seeing as he died for YOUR sins on a wooden cross approximately 1,998 years before you released that song. So chances are you didn't look into His eyes and discover the meaning of Christmas. Which leads me to my next point...

What exactly do you people thing the meaning of Christmas is?!? I'm guessing if you found it by looking into some unsuspecting lady's eyes you're not correct in your assumptions. It's true that the meaning of Christmas may differ a little bit for everyone and hold different memories and sentimental value, but I want to start a revolution.

When God sent his one and only begotten son to be born to a virgin in a manger on December 25 he started a revolution. One little revolution. That revolution has been snowballing for 2009 (or so) years. I am lucky enough to have been called to be a part of it. If you are a believer, you've been called too. If you're not then this is your chance. Do something. Make a change. The cool thing is the foundation has been laid. Jesus Christ was already born and already died for our sins. That is a lot of love. That is the reason for the giant celebration that is Christmas. We were given the greatest gift of all, presented as a tiny baby boy. Every year we give gifts and spread the love but are people really getting it? Do they understand why we have all of these traditions in the first place?

I'm not asking for a lot here, folks. I'm asking for one statement. One tiny testament of your faith. As you're walking to class with a friend or chatting it up around the water cooler and someone starts talking about Christmas, that's your moment. Throw out your line. All you have to say is "I love Christmas, it's so wonderful to celebrate the gift of life given to me through Jesus." Or you could go with something more subtle... maybe "Thank goodness for that Inn keeper." You could be witty: "Thank heavens for the gift of heaven." Maybe a little street slang: "Jesus is my homeboy." Whatever you want to say people, just do it. It won't be hard... face it, someone is going to bring up Christmas. You don't have to work for it.

One statement. Easy as pie. Actually, pie could be another seguay... "I love apple pie... remember when Eve ate that apple? Good thing Jesus was born on Christmas and then died for our sins." Be the reminder for everyone else out there. Now, go make some conversation!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thank You

Within the last few weeks I've implemented this new thing in my life that I'm calling "Operation Appreciation." It started out as a just a little way to thank a couple of people. There was a lot of buzz around All Saints Day talking about thinking of the people who have influenced and impacted your life as a Christian the most and how, often times, they wouldn't know it. That is such a shame to me. Sometimes there are cases when you can't thank the person, as they are not someone who is in your life. I know a lot of bands and musicians have greatly changed me and I am saddened to know they can't hear it from me. That's not what I'm talking about, though. I know for me, there are people in my life who I maybe haven't spoken to in months or even years yet they are the ones I need to thank. So I'm doing it.

I've started via Facebook message. Kind of lame, I know, but it is the quickest way for me to get to some of these people. And in actuality, it doesn't matter how you go about thanking them so long as you do it. Rather than thanking everyone all at once I've been conquering one or two at a time. This gives me time to fully appreciate just how much these people have done for me. Some of them have truly poured all of themselves and then some into my life and for that I am eternally grateful. Others have done one seemingly small thing, but it has rippled into a much bigger and more significant change and to those people I am equally thankful.

I recommend you all try and thank at least one person who might not know all that they have done for you. I can tell you with complete honesty that this experience has been bigger than I ever anticipated. I set out to give thanks with nothing in return, just to let these people know they are loved and thought of and appreciated, but what I have received in return has left me speechless. I am so humbled and fulfilled and so undeserving of some of the things they've said to me in response.

I can not even begin to explain how much God is using this in my life, especially right now. I truly hope and pray you'll give it a shot. Also, a huge thank you to anyone and everyone who reads my posts. I truly believe that God has blessed me with the ability to write and, in that, tell people a little sliver of the amazing things He is teaching me every single day. I love you all so much and I pray for you often.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Special Gift

In my small group this semester we are studying the book of Ephesians. You may be thinking "shoot, Ephesians isn't that long... they're spending the whole semester on that?" Well, my friends, you're going to want to take another look at that book! There are so many hidden gems in it and you will be sure to learn something new every time you read through it. Through our study I have been convicted of many things, especially blogging.

Paul was a really cool guy, obvi. He said a lot of really awesome things too and he TOTALLY knew what was up with his gift of ministry. He says "I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God's grace given me through the working of his power." (Eph. 3:7) He knows full and well that his ability to minister is a God-given gift. I have come to realize that my ability to write and convey thoughts and ideas that connect to so many people is one of my spiritual gifts. While I may not be the person to run up to a stranger and start talking about God and his gift of his son Jesus to cleanse us and save us, I can blog with the best of them. Interestingly enough, my blogging has given me more conversational confidence as well. But that is not the point. I know that blogging is a gift. This is the part that gets me...

"Surely you have heard about the administration of God's grace that was given to me for you..." —Ephesians 3:2

Given to me for you... to ME for YOU. This gift of writing I've been given is not mine to keep. Though it helps me work things out in my mind, I'm not writing these things for me. I'm writing them for you. It's God's gift to you, through me.

... that being said, I'm going to make a really concerted effort to blog things as soon as I get an idea, as soon as God gives me a revelation of sorts. Check back often!

Appreciation and the Bomb

I've heard the verse my whole life... I think most people raised in the church have. "Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." (1 Thess. 5:18) It's one of those I always heard but never A. seriously contemplated or B. did anything about. It was just there. Then, God took it upon himself to do something about it. He's good like that.

As you may or may not know I'm a fan of this bomb band called Honor Society. Please, check them out. As it turns out, a lot of their fan base includes Jonas Brothers fans, because Honor Society opened for them on tour this summer. I had myself convinced that, since they are older and their lyrics are more mature that must be aggravating. Obviously they would want an older fan base, more like their peers and college aged folks, right? I would tell myself that clearly they are trying to make it and will take whatever opportunities are presented but, really? They have to be at least a little frustrated behind the scenes, don't they?

That's about the time when God knocked me upside the head and told me what was up. First of all, who the heck am I to analyze their fame? Secondly, they treat their fans with the utmost love and respect and appreciation. They are a picture of grace. They are completely humble. They get it. I don't. Or at least I didn't, I'm hoping I am beginning to. Let me break it down. God has this huge, all encompassing will and you and I alike are in it. Our goal in life is to try and live a life so full of faith and dedication to the Father that we can discern His will for us. I knew that much. I am pretty sure I have even figured out small parts of what God's plan for me entails. But that is where it got fuzzy. You see, we don't get to choose how we get from point A to point B. It could be the way we imagine it. It could involve a lot of detours. It could be the path never taken, or it could be the path everyone else seems to be on. The boys of Honor Society are clearly called to be musicians (and they are quite remarkable, if I do say so myself). However, whether they wanted it or not (which is definitely not to be determined by me, anyway) God decided they would get their break touring with the Jonas Brothers and, thus, have a generally young fan base. Obviously they have older fans as well (oh hey, it's me!) it just seems like a pretty big chunk are what I like to call JoBro converts. know what though? They are making it. They are on an uphill climb and I'm hoping the mountain is way bigger than they have been hoping or dreaming. They deserve it. And, whether they know it or not, they're pretty fantastic professors of grace and humility. Bravo, fellas.
