Friday, October 2, 2009

If I Could Give All My Love

I'm back and it has been entirely too long. Like, woah. Apparently my 21 days were non habit-forming. Or maybe I just have a habit-resistant personality type. Most aspects of my life would point to yes. Anyway, I'm going to try and get into some sort of semi-regular blogging pattern (maybe a pattern will be more successful than a habit).

I heard an unbelievably cool quote the other day. I love quotes.

“They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.”

Three things is all we need? Well that's pretty simple. That's what I originally thought upon reading this quote. Then I realized what is really up... we only need one thing. God. Maybe you know him, maybe you don't, but there is something really cool about that guy. He is someone to love. He is something to do. He is something to hope for. Amazing.

Sometimes I get in a rut and I feel lonely. I think everyone ends up in that place and some point or another. Usually it lasts a day or two and then I do a mental head slap and realize that is so ridiculous! I don't need earthly bodies around me! God is all I need... He is someone to love and He is someone who loves me. Sadly, not everyone knows that. So, for the people who do, it's our duty to inform them. Therefore, God provides something to do. He created us all in His image, and He has chosen each and every one of us to be a follower of His will. We have been given such an incredible gift, which we are not deserving of in the least, and most of us (myself included) just sit there and bask in it. The amount of love we are receiving is so vast, it's the least we can do to give a tiny portion of that to another person. Your love will give them something to hope for. And, in my experience, it will give you something to hope for to. We live in a fallen society and it's really easy to get caught up in that mentality. If you give a little love, you will be more likely to see the good in the world. The more people who see the good will want to be a part of it.

You know what they say... what goes around, comes around. Who ever said it had to be something bad that was going and coming back around? Be the change. You've got all of the tools you need.


sebishop said...

aimee, everything you write somehow touches me, just when i need it most. you're the definitive eloquent writer. keep keep writing, i love nothing more than reading what you write.
love you so so so much. xx

Mandy said...

Aimee!! I'm so glad ur back to better become a regular thing because I love reading your blog. I'm going to be getting back to mine too starting Monday. It's just too fun to not make time for.

And I totally know what you mean about having lonely days...I don't think it matters how many people you know or how many friends you have..those lonely days just creep up on us!

Miss you bunches! I'll be expecting more posts from ya :)
