Paul was a really cool guy, obvi. He said a lot of really awesome things too and he TOTALLY knew what was up with his gift of ministry. He says "I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God's grace given me through the working of his power." (Eph. 3:7) He knows full and well that his ability to minister is a God-given gift. I have come to realize that my ability to write and convey thoughts and ideas that connect to so many people is one of my spiritual gifts. While I may not be the person to run up to a stranger and start talking about God and his gift of his son Jesus to cleanse us and save us, I can blog with the best of them. Interestingly enough, my blogging has given me more conversational confidence as well. But that is not the point. I know that blogging is a gift. This is the part that gets me...
"Surely you have heard about the administration of God's grace that was given to me for you..." —Ephesians 3:2
Given to me for you... to ME for YOU. This gift of writing I've been given is not mine to keep. Though it helps me work things out in my mind, I'm not writing these things for me. I'm writing them for you. It's God's gift to you, through me.
... that being said, I'm going to make a really concerted effort to blog things as soon as I get an idea, as soon as God gives me a revelation of sorts. Check back often!
1 comment:
I am exactly the same way! I can blog about God and faith with the best of them but when it comes to actually talking (much less, WITNESSING!), I'm just totally quiet.
I actually went to a witnessing seminar once about a year ago and got some really good tips but I've never used them! I'm way too shy about it and I really shouldn't be.
But then again, it's just who I am. I'm not going to be the type to walk up to a stranger and start witnessing. I'm more of a person who wants to show love and just show Christ that way!
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