I'm revisiting the topic of hand holding. Get excited.
The more and more I thought about it, the more I realized I have to say about the beauty and (what I consider) sacred act of holding hands.
Let me break something down for you... imagine how you pray. Not like the prayers you say throughout the day, but the knees-to-the-earth, crying-out-to-Him prayers. This is the time when I feel closest to God. There is nothing distracting me and no one around me. Just me and the big man. I'm knees on the carpet, elbows on the bed, fingers intertwined. Wait, what?

Yes, you heard me. The hand position that I associate with my deepest moment of prayer is the same one I partake in whilst hand holding. What a beautiful gift to share with someone you care about!
I think it is taken for granted. Most couples I know are holding hands if they are close enough to touch each other. But why? If you save it for special moments, it provides such a strong connection, a channel for love and energy and passion to flow from one person to the next. It can, in a sense, verbalize so many feelings and emotions. It is a form of intimacy that has been trampled on and taken advantage of by our society.
Try keeping your hands to yourself a little more often, so when you do decide to interdigitate the lucky recipient will know you mean business. I think that is how God intended it. Who knows, it might be a refreshing change.
I love this Aimee! Having the same posture of holding hands as when you pray totally shows me how God intended it to be. If only the whole world could see it in this light!
I love your blog! It's so wonderful!
aimee, you are a beautiful writer. you have such a unique voice. i love clicking on your page and reading absolutely everything you jot down. miss you, my good friend.
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