Do you remember, in Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, when precious Bailey was dying and Tibby asked her if she was afraid?
Not of dying, really. It's more that I'm afraid of time. And not having enough of it. Time to figure out who I'm supposed to be... to find my place in the world before I have to leave it. I'm afraid of what I'll miss.
No matter how many times I watch that movie that part makes me think. She is afraid of what she'll miss. Aren't we all afraid of that? I feel safe in saying that most people have a bucket list. And yet as we make that list, we all assume that we will have years and years to complete the tasks on it.
... but what if we don't? What if you were to find out there was a time-stamp on your life and it was sooner than you thought? Would you be living differently? It's a concept that is brought up time and time again in songs, movies and books, but when does it become real to us?
I challenge you today to take some time to think. Think of all of the ways that you spend your time. I know that I, personally, waste more time than I'd care to admit, doing things that neither benefit myself or others. When am I going to get around to doing all of the things that really matter? I came across a poem that I highly recommend you look up. It is called The Dash by Linda Ellis. Each time I read it I am taken by the beauty, clarity and wisdom of the thought behind it. I am slowly revolutionizing the way I think about life and time and, more importantly, the way I spend mine. Perhaps it will inspire you to do the same.
1 comment:
this made me sob at 4:16 on easter morning. i don't know how to convey the fact that this entry has been my life for the last year. my best friend passed away last year and everyday i wake up and wonder what i've done in the past 12 months that have granted me this extra year. sometimes i sob, sometimes i smile but all the while i'm wondering what i can do to make it worthwhile. i had a life changing conversation with my roommate 2 nights ago about this very subject. oddly enough march 25th, 2009 my other best friend shared me a poem with me called the dash. I want to make my dash as beautiful as possible... and I'm trying. It's hard but I'm doing my best and I think that's all that really counts.
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